Wednesday 19 November 2008

A few more days

Friday 14th November
Complete rest. Went shopping after work, bought a bottle of whisky, sugar and lemon juice and dosed myself up on hot toddies.

Saturday 15th November
Feeling a bit better, so went to body pump and then went for a run outside. Up the railway path and back through old town / town centre. About 7 miles. Made a nice change to go outside and run at a nice steady pace. Felt better for it.

Sunday 16th November
Wasn't really feeling up to it, but decided I needed to do a long run today. So I went to the gym, did 7 miles on the treadmill and then the same(-ish) distance outside. Stuggled with the last bit, but still, I wasn't that well and at least it was miles under my belt.

Monday 17th November
Really didn't feel too clever at work today so went home and relaxed in the evening, ie complete rest. Sometimes your body just needs it.

Tuesday 18th November
Feeling a bit better, so decided to do a speed session on the treadmill. 2 miles warm up, then 10 * 2 mins with 1 minute recoveries. Run speed was 14.5 - 16kph on the first eight, cranking it up in the last 30-60 seconds. Took the last two a bit easier at 14kph. That didn't feel too bad, which is encouraging as I need to be running about that pace to get a 40 minute 10k.

Wednesday 19th November
Just body pump tonight, as I wanted to get home and do some editing.

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