Friday 27 February 2009

The Terminator - I'll be back...

Saturday 21st February
Body pump in the morning. Not that I expect it to have an impact on my performance tomorrow, but I missed out squats and lunges to ensure my legs are fresh for the race.

Did a mile on the treadmill after the class, purely because I received two new pairs of trainers this week (Nike Air Pegasus and Air Skylon) and wanted to break in the Pegasus. I could really tell the difference between the new and old pair in terms of support and cushioning, so it was not before time.

Sunday 22nd February
My intention was to be competing in the Bourton 10k today. I've run it every year for the last three years, and have got a PB on each occasion. This year, unfortunately, I didn't get in - I sent my form off just after entries open but it must have filled up in record time.

This left me with the choice of running the Tough Ten at Weston (a lovely run, and it would have been my third time) or running the Terminator for the first time. It was a tough call, but in the end I decided on the latter as I don't get many opportunities to try new races and have really enjoyed these off-road races this year.

I certainly wasn't disappointed. I was immediately impressed by the marshals guiding us into the car parks as soon as I reached Pewsey. I made the short walk to the race HQ, dropped my baggage off, bought my pre-race cakes and it was business as usual.

The race pretty much met my expectations. The one surprise was that while it wasn't as muddy as say, Sodbury, the muddy bits were very deep and I nearly lost my trainers in the first mile! Message to self - secure them with duct tape next year.

The other slight surprise (and it shouldn't have been) was just how busy the race was. In a lot of sections we were moving in single file and I couldn't get any speed up (not that I minded - I was happy to get a good training run and burn calories more than anything).

I recognised a lot of the course from the Rough n Tumble and the hills were just as tough. They were well worth it though - some of the views from the top really took my breath away and proved a salutary reminder just how lucky I am to live in a part of the world that boasts such wonderful scenery.

Happy to finish in a time of 2:15 and glad of the t-shirt and mars bar at the end! Home for a celebration fry-up (which didn't touch the sides) and a few well-earned drinks. On that subject, I've decided to give up alcohol for lent which will give my system a thorough de-tox, help me lose a few pounds and save quite a few as well.

Monday 23rd February
Running club tonight. I was tired from the run yesterday, but decided to risk going out with the group as Terry and Kev did the tough ten yesterday and would be in the same boat.

The only problem was, they obviously weren't as tired as me, having done a slightly easier run than me and being slightly stronger runners anyway. We were joined by Becky who clearly wasn't tired at all!

I struggled to keep up, but kept pushing myself, and we did the Cheney Route (about 6 miles). They assured me it was only an average of 9 minutes per mile but it felt a lot faster. It just proves what being tired does to you, and how important rest and recovery days are.

Tuesday 24th February
The plan was to do a speed session tonight but this changed when I met Andy at the gym who was going out to do six miles. So I decided it would be good to catch up, plus I would be able to break in my new Pegasus properly. So we did the Cheney route but in reverse (I know, still boring).

Lent started for me tonight. Normally it starts tomorrow (Ash wednesday) but I arranged to meet Pete in Bath thursday so starting a day earlier makes up for it :) Not that I drink in the week much anway. Cheap Tuesday at the cinema so took myself off to see Vicky Cristina Barcelona which I thoroughly enjoyed. Ms Johansson is always easy on the eye, but there were some other good performances as well from Penelope Cruz and Rebecca Hall who I know from Starter for Ten.

Wednesday 25th February
Body pump and RPM. Both good, but Ali did some old tracks in pump which I struggled with a bit - push ups at the end of the chest track are a killer, especially when you've been ambitious with your weight...Was a bit concerned when my lower back seized up during the abs track but I stretched it out before RPM and it was fine after that.

Thursday 26th February
Complete rest as met Pete in Bath. It was a good night, but I was alarmed just how quiet the pub and the restaurant were for a Thursday night. The recession really is hitting hard.

Friday 27th February
Just five miles (8k) on the treadmill, nice and steady. Felt really tired tonight and as I have a twenty mile race a week Sunday I'm looking forward to an easy week next week.

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