Sunday, 3 January 2010

January 2010

1st January

Hill reps, two sets of ten. Start the new year as I mean to go on with a quality session

2nd January

Body pump at the gym, plus I ran there and back so about 5 miles of running.

3rd January
Not the long run I planned. Too icy to run outdoors so ran for an hour (11.1k or 7 miles near as dammit). Should have done another hour but really couldn't face it.

Monday 4th January
5 miles on the treadmill plus some core exercises. Much too icy to run outside.

Tuesday 5th January
Speedwork at the gym. Snow and sleet showers forecast so did not risk the track.
1 mile warm up then 10 * 2 minutes @ 14kph, 1 minute recoveries. 1 mile cool down. Did try to crank the speed up on some of the middle reps to 14.5 - 15kph but it nearly killed me. God I am so overweight and out of shape. I really have it all to do if I want a PB at the Bourton 10k.

Wednesday 6th January
The snow came down with a vengeance so had to walk to work! I think 2 hours of walking counts as good exercise!

Thursday 7th and Friday 8th January
As Wednesday 6th Jan!

Saturday 9th January
The snow hasn't melted but managed to move my car at last. Drove to the gym, did the new body pump release and a speed session (as per Tuesday) on the treadmill.

Sunday 10th January
Very disappointed that the rough n tumble has been cancelled as this has become one of my favourite winter training runs. Fortunately there was a 2.5 hour spinathon at the gym which cheered me up a bit. Greatly enjoyed this as always, nice to see the class full on a Sunday. Plus I ran to the gym (in the snow, with my off-road shoes on) so that's over 3.5 hours of exercise! I slept well later - unfortunately during a film I wanted to watch on Sky!

Monday 11th January
Very sore today so 5 miles slow on the treadmill. Felt a bit looser in the last two miles.

Tuesday 12th January
Speed session on the treadmill again as didn't know what conditions would be like at the track, or how bad the traffic would be. 1 mile warm up, then 10 * 2 mins, 1 mile cool down but it was actually a bit all over the place. Not sure how much of it was due to feeling tired from Sunday or the fact that the treadmill is seriously doing my head in and I just wish I could run outside in some way shape or form.

Wednesday 13th January
Body pump. Helped push Kathryn out of the gym car park after!

Thursday 14th January
RPM. Almost safe enough to run outside but decided not to risk it.

Friday 15th January

Saturday 16th January
Body pump. Missed out legs to keep them fresh for tomorrow.

Sunday 17th January
Highworth Half Marathon. Was going well for the first 8 miles, then my legs just seemed to seize up. Still, enjoyed the run and finished in 1:56:00 which is not bad for the course, in fact I'd have taken anything under two hours today. Also did another 5 miles on the treadmill after to make this the first quality long run of 2010.

Monday 18th Janury
Legs seriously sore today! 5 miles easy jog (Blagrove route).

Tuesday 19th Janaury
Track session. 1 mile warm up, then I did 11 * 400m (actual session 15 * 400). 1 mile cool down. Not bad considering how sore I still am, in fact I seemed to get looser through the session.
Long runs, track sessions - this is much more like it :)

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