Thursday 9 October 2008

Jon runs London 2009!

Good news on my return to Blighty, I have been very fortunate to receive a place in the Flora London Marathon 2009!

Apparently there were 120,000 people applying for just 20,000 places so that shows how lucky I was! Maybe poetic justice for the trauma and disappointment of having to pull out of Berlin...

I don't intend to start training in earnest until Jan '09, and most of the races I will do in preparation will be ones I can use as hard training runs (Rough 'n Tumble, Slaughterford, Tough Ten or Terminator, Hogweed Hilly Half etc).

I have already spoken to Samaritans and will be on their team, I anticipate that the money raised for Berlin 2008 will be moved to the new appeal in some way, shape or form.

As I have now more or less finished the first draft of my first novel I will be juggling my training routine with the editing/re-writing process as well as approaching agents and publishers so it should be a very interesting time to say the least!

More details to follow as and when..

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