Saturday 3 January 2009


Thursday 1st January
Normally I like to train on New Year's Day, but not this time. Opted instead to spend the day exactly how I intend not to carry on, namely just relaxing. As far as I'm concerned, the really hard work can start next week when I go back to work. Happy New Year.

Friday 2nd January
Body pump at Ali's normal time, 12.15. As most people there weren't going back to work he did the full hour, which suited me. All my training over the past week has been a damage limitation exercise to burn off some of the excess calories consumed. As somebody said, better to jut put on a few pounds than half a stone.

Saturday 3rd January
Body pump again today, ran in and back but made a conscious decision not to do any more cardio or classes as I want to do a decent run tomorrow and get back into it. Nice to see the class busy again and people like Kathryn returning.

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