Thursday 15 January 2009

Not an easy week

Tuesday 13th January
2 miles (3.2k) on the treadmill, then 6-7 outside (Cheney route) with Steph and Becky. Guess it was closer to 7 as we were out for a good hour.

I really should get a garming to give myself a better idea. Oh well, 8-9 miles in total tonight. And I know I'm training for a marathon because I'm bloody starving the whole time!!

Wednesday 14th January
Body pump and RPM. Body pump was very good as always, no problems with the sound system tonight. Managed to increase my weights slightly on the squats and chest track.

RPM also very good, but for some reason couldn't put my heart and soul into it. Maybe because I was toying with the idea of going to the cinema with Steph and Andy to see Role Models. Decided not to in the end, and had a very constructive evening trying to sort out my finances. It's a start.

Thursday 15th January
Speed session tonight; 2k warm up, then 8 * 3 minutes @ 14kph, followed by 2k warm down, so 10.4k in total. Good session - managed to do the reps without any more than the statutory minute break. Found it really knackering though - might well be carrying a few pounds from Christmas...

Anyway, two days' rest now as I have the Highworth half marathon on Sunday (an invitation race for club runners - I invite myself). Not that tomorrow is really a rest day as I have a full body massage with Ali.

I can remember the times when I used to have a really easy week before a half marathon - don't think this was one of those.

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