Saturday 12 April 2008

Weight still coming off

Thursday 10th April

It was my (and Becky's) suggestion to move the second running club night from a Wednesday to a Thursday so it would have been churlish for me not to go, even though I was feeling quite tired. So along I went, after 3k on the treadmill, and we did an interesting route out to the lake and then out to Lydiard Park. Unfortunately me and Andy then lost the group as I stopped for a "pit stop" and when we tried to cut across the field to catch up with the others, we were stymied by two barbed wire fences. Oh dear.

Still, being tired I didn't mind jogging along with Andy and notched up 7 or 8 miles for the evening.

Friday 11th April

Could have done with a rest day but after a really tough week at work I quite fancied a run outside by myself to clear my head. The plan was to do 5 or 6 miles but in the end I did the Wroughton route which is about 9 miles. I was just enoying myself so much I wanted to keep going. Nice and steady, only about 10 minute miles, but I really felt the difference in my weight going up Croft Road (a very steep incline). When Ali told me I'd feel the difference if I lost a stone, he wasn't kidding.

Saturday 12th April

Did both RPM and body pump this morning, as I had kind of promised my friend Emma I'd come to RPM today. Really enjoyed it as well, the only slight criticism I would have is that Rich threw in maybe a few too many recoveries, but I know I don't have to take them if I don't want to. Found pump hard, that chest track should definitely have a break in there somewhere! Time to check my weight as well.

Weigh in

Body weight: 15 stone 6.8lb
Body fat percentage: 15.1% (athletic body type)

Good news this. Have lost 2.4 pounds and the 6 pounds I put on in 3 weeks has gone in two. Think the body fat percentage is slightly flattering, would be nice to know what it is exactly. Anyway, am well on course for getting under 15 stone.

Sunday 13th April

Ran the Swindon half route with Andy in the morning, and Steph came along on her bike to keep us company. Nice and steady, and I really enjoyed the run despite having a bit too much alcohol the night before. I know that's not conducive to weight loss, but I took the view that I won't get many Saturday evenings this summer where I can relax and have a few beers.

We did get a nasty shock on the last stretch of the run when we passed Coate Water and saw the police had taped a section off because apparently they had found a body in the water. This really spoiled the day for us.

Went to the gym in the evening and knocked out another 4 miles (6.4k) on the treadmill, again very steady. Had a catch-up with my friend Lisa who I hadn't seen for a few weeks and she commented that I had "lost loads of weight" and that it was really noticeable around my stomach. Good to hear, especially from an attractive female :) Couldn't spend any longer at the gym as I wanted to get home and watch the marathon highlights on BBC2. It was really hard watching from my armchair, I so wished I could be running and the memories of the wonderful experience I had last year came flooding back.

Hopefully this will spur me on to training for the Berlin marathon later in the year. Hopefully that will be a magical experience for me as well.

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