Thursday 11 September 2008

Last long run

Sunday 7th September
Last really long run today before the big day, with the Chippenham half marathon next Sunday and then a two week taper (that was the thinking anyway).

Decided to mix it up a bit, so did 7 miles (11.2k) on the treadmill, then set off on my old half marathon training run (12-13 approx). Things were going fine until the point when, out on the Lethbridge section of the route, I found the bridge across the motorway was I had to turn back which meant shortening the route.

As it turned out, I was really struggling in the last few miles and was walking parts of the route. The problem was my legs were just stiffening up - I like to think this is because they have done a lot of miles lately and just need a rest.

Still, nearly three hours on my feet so hopefully good enough at this stage.

Monday 8th September
5 miles (8k) on the treadmill, easy. Not feeling as bad as I might have expected after yesterday, but not up to going out with the running club or anything strenuous like speed work.

Tuesday 9th September
Wasn't really sure what to do today, but it was dry (for once) so ended up doing a hills and sprints session at the ridge. In the first rep my legs felt sore so decided to make it a short session (2 sets of 3 hills + 3 sprints). After that though I still felt like I had some energy left, so I did 2 more sets of 2+2, so 10 hills and 10 sprints. Knocked it out in comfortably less than an hour so happy with that.

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