Saturday 27 September 2008

Last week of training..

Monday 22nd September
Running club tonight, just the three of us; me, Terry and Gerry. The last time we went out together I couldn't keep up and had to let them go after 4 or 5 miles.

Tonight was a very different story; we ran about 10.5 miles at an average pace of about 8:29 per mile, and at no point did I feel uncomfortable. In fact, we managed to keep the conversation going all the way, even on a fairly hilly course.

Went home very happy with my efforts. My fitness seems to have improved (can only put it down to the long runs) and I am becoming more confident. Even a couple of months ago I would have baulked at the idea of running with those two.

Tuesday 23rd September
Speed session on the treadmill, two sets of one minute efforts with one minute recoveries. 14.5kph on the first set which was a bit too comfortable, so 15kph on the second. To be fair, after the day I'd had at work, I wasn't in the mood for anything too stressful.

I can't remember ever feeling this exhausted and run down and needing a holiday as badly as the one coming up. I stopped at Sainsburys on the way home to do a big shop, and when I finally slumped in my chair at 9pm to watch Ghost Whisperer I had no energy to get up and finish cooking the pasta bake I had started. In the end, my lodger came home at 11pm to find me asleep in my chair with a bottle of beer in my hand.

That, I think, says it all.

Wednesday 24th September
Feeling a bit better today, so did double classes, body pump and spinning. Enjoyed them both. It occured to me that this will be the last time I do pump with Ali, hopefully I'll be a bit stronger after my break.

Thursday 25th September
Running club again, 7 miles. Didn't feel as good as I did on Monday, my lower legs especially felt quite tight. I tried my best to keep up with Terry and Gerry but they lost me in the last half mile. Fair enough; I've agreed to run the Swindon half with Terry so maybe I can do the same to him in the last few miles :)

Friday 26th September
Hurrah! My last day at work! Didn't manage to leave the office until 7pm because I wanted to get as much done as possible before I leave, being the conscientious chap I am.

Got to the gym feeling absolutely battered and exhausted, but managed to drag myself on the treadmill and knock out 11.2k in an hour. Good effort under the circumstances. I just wanted to burn some calories and relieve some stress.

Had a nice relaxing evening with some wine and an excellent edition of Friday Night With Jonathan Ross. I knew I deserved it. In the last year, on top of a fairly punishing training routine I have held down a responsible job and forced a large pay rise, successfully rented out the rooms in my house, and written the first draft of a novel (well, save the last few chapters perhaps). I think I've done alright and can consider this holiday well-earned and much deserved.

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