Tuesday 9 December 2008

Christmas Party

Friday 5th December
Decided to do my long run after work tonight as I had a feeling I'd be unable to run on Sunday as it was my office Christmas party on Saturday. This turned out to be prescient.

So, 7 miles on the treadmill followed by 6-7 miles outside (Cheney Manor route - the long version). Felt quite tired in the last few miles but that's to be expected I think.

Saturday 6th December
Just did the classes this morning, RPM followed by body pump. Both were good, except I put on a bit too much weight on the chest track expecting the current, easier track. Ali changed the track and I couldn't even make it to the break with the weight I had on (3 reds on each end). I erred on the side of caution after that.

Sunday 7th December
I woke up at about 11.30, semi-clothed, and with one contact lens still in. Ouch. I had managed to catch the coach back to MAN, and had shared a taxi home with Andy and Steph. They had kindly paid my fare and told the driver the address to drop me off at. So yes, it was a good party.

Did consider doing some hill reps but it was particularly icy outside, so I decided not to risk it in the end. It wouldn't have been a quality session in any event.

Monday 8th December
Went for a run outside with Becky, Steph and Andy. Without wishing to be unkind, this was probably a mistake. The reason being, at about half way I stopped at the Marriott to use the toilet, while Andy waited and the girls went on. From thereon in, Andy seemed unable to push himself and keep running without stopping for any decent length of time. I tried to push him, but more because I was getting cold than anything else.

In the end, what should have taken just over an hour took about an hour and a half. I know Andy has hung back for me often enough in the past, but this was a "nothing" session and I can't afford any of these with the London marathon just over 4 months away.

Tuesday 9th December
Speedwork. Better session tonight. 2km warm-up, then 10 * 2 minutes @14.5 - 15kph with one minute recoveries. 2km warm down, so 10k covered in total. Am now getting in touch with some friends from the Swindon Harriers to find out who is going to the track these days.

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