Thursday 4 December 2008

Downton Half Marathon

Friday 28th November
Complete rest.

Saturday 29th November
Body pump. No cardio. Missed out the squats and lunges track; not because I was hoping to get a fast time at the race tomorrow, but I didn't want my enjoyment of the race to be spoilt by sore legs.

Went to the cinema in the early evening and saw Ghost Town, which almost to my surprise, I thoroughly enjoyed. I'm not a big fan of Ricky Gervais, but this role seemed to suit him to a tee, and it was a heartwarming, if a little predictable story.

Sunday 30th November
Competed in the Downton half marathon. This is comfortably my favourite half marathon of the year, purely because it boasts some of the most wonderful scenery I have ever seen in a race, and has some nice touches, notably a cup of tea and a bun at the end for all competitors.

I travelled down with Terry and Gerry, but was determined to just enjoy the race as much as possible rather than put myself under any pressure to get a good time. After all, this is an event to be savoured and I'd much rather take in the views and enjoy running past New Forest ponies than go flat out for a PB.

I checked my watch only a few times during the race, namely at mile one (as is my wont, I went off far too fast, clocking seven and a half minutes), at half way to make sure I was on course for sub two hours, at mile eight and mile twelve. I finished with a time of 1:53-something, which I was very happy with given that I hadn't really pushed myself.

Normally at the end of a half marathon I am relieved to have finished and that the suffering has ended, but part of me was sad to finish this one, knowing it will be at least a year until I get to run it again. It's a reminder of the real reason I do these events and how much there is to enjoy out there.

Speaking of enjoyment, having a day off the next day meant I could enjoy my post-race beers a little more than usual...

Monday 1st December
Complete rest. Wasn't sure what to do with my day off, so in the end I just decided to treat it as just a day off. Which meant I did nothing all day except sit in my armchair, watch movies and enjoy a glass or two of cider. God knows, I've worked hard enough this year to have deserved it.

Tuesday 2nd December
Speedwork. 1.6k warm up, then 10 * 2 minutes @ 14.5kph, with one-minute recoveries. 1.6k cool down. Didn't feel up to it at all, so proud to have finished it.

Wednesday 3rd December
Body pump. No cardio. Ali used mostly old tracks, which threw me a little. Still, good heavy weights including four reds on each end of the bar for the squats track. My body has definitely got stronger this year.

Thursday 4th December
Speedwork. 1.6k warm up, then 8 * 3 minutes @ 14kph, with one-minute recoveries. 1.6k cool down. Found it a bit of a struggle tonight; I must be tired. Cheated on the last rep and paused to change my music, but what the hell. It is holiday season after all.

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