Friday 24 April 2009

Highworth 5 mile race and final taper

Sunday 19th March
Competed today in the Highworth 5 mile road race. This is usually the weekend before, or after, the London marathon. This year, as was the case two years ago, it was the weekend before which is convenient for me as I can use it as my last hard run before a week of next to nothing.

I decided before the race to use as just that - a hard run - as I was planning to do another five miles after the race to bring me up to 10 miles as my last long run. So when I set off I didn't start the timer on my watch, I just concentrated on running hard but enjoying the race.

I didn't look at my watch at all during the race but I imagine the first three miles were faster than the last two. Certainly the last mile would have been the slowest - the hill at the four mile marker would have made sure of that.

In any case I was surprised and delighted with a time just under 37 minutes (36:59 official) as this was more than a minute and a half faster than my previous best at the distance. As I've been concentrating on distance rather than speed I can only put this down to improved fitness and the weight loss.

And yes I did do 5 miles on the treadmill afterwards - in a much more sedate time of 43 minutes. I'm feeling good and confident at this point.

Monday 20th April
Stupidly went out with the running club and soon regretted it. I made it clear that I had done a race the day before and had to taper for the marathon but they still went off at a pace that was too fast for me today. So I let them go about half way, and just ended up doing the Blagrove route on my own, which is about 5 miles.

Tuesday 21st April
Just a very easy jog tonight, about 3 miles. Went from work and jogged up the path which runs parallel with the dual carriageway. Should really take more advantage of this as the path leads to the bottom of the railway path where I start a lot of my runs from. There is a shower at work so really there is no need to head to the gym just to go for a run.

Time to rest and carbo-load now, and started both in earnest with a trip to the cinema. The film was the excellent Let The Right One In, a love story between a young boy in Sweden and a female vampire. It might sound silly, but it really was a beautiful film and I think I liked it because it was an impossible love story between two people who feel alone and ostracised for very different reasons but find some common ground. Don't listen to me ranting on about it, see if for yourself.

Wednesday 22nd April
Complete rest. Can't say I missed body pump. It can be tiring at times, a constant treadmill of work-gym-dinner-writing. Instead went home and did a quality editing session.

Thursday 23rd April
Full body massage with Ali. Felt some aches and pains during the run on Sunday so knew I needed this. He found a great deal of tension in my back, which he got rid of. Another quality session on the book and finished the second round of editing! Still some work to do - need to add in a few scenes and give it at least another read through but am very close to sending it out to agents and publishers now. Really wanted to reach this particular landmark as I feel in a funny way it will give me confidence in the race on Sunday, knowing I have got this far with the book as well as training.

Friday 24th April
Complete rest. Made the last minute preparations for the big day. And a few more donations came in which brings my total up to £1200 with £50 still to come from Dad.

Under the circumstances, it's been a fantastic effort whatever happens on Sunday, even if I say so myself.

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