Tuesday 7 April 2009

White Horse Half Marathon

Thursday 2nd April
Complete rest. I actually had a day's leave, as I had arranged a trip with the Sports & Social Club to see the musical Oliver. It was my intention originally to spend the day in London, but I ended up not bothering, for various reasons. Mainly, I can't afford it - the credit crunch has put an end to any unnecessary expenditure - but also I know I'd probably end up spending most of the day in the pub which is not ideal three weeks before a marathon.

As it turned out I had a most pleasant evening with my friends, and being the organiser meant I could choose who I sat with, which was Louise from my department, her boyfriend Ian, Tamara and her nine-year old son, Cameron, who I ended up entertaining during the interval.

Friday 3rd April
Complete rest. Came home from work and had a really good evening, watching England actually win a one-day international and winning a one-day series in the West Indies for the first time. Seeing my new facebook friend Andrew Flintoff take a hat-trick was just the icing on the cake really.

Saturday 4th April
Body pump and core work. Another day's rest might have bee sensible but I was bored of housework and missed out the leg tracks anyway. Plus it gave me an opportunity to learn the new routine.

Sunday 5th April
Competed in the White Horse half marathon, for the third year running. I've always liked the event, but never posted a PB, even though it is a PB course. Two years ago I was recovering from a PB effort at Bath the week before and last year I had tired myself out the week before trying to shed a few pounds.

I knew I would have to have a good time to beat my PB from Chippenham but was fairly confident I could do it. Indeed, I started strongly (too quickly as usual) but managed to maintain a sub 8-minute mile pace. The good news is, I felt comfortable doing it as well. Much more so than at Chippenham.

Where it all went wrong I don't know. I'm sure I passed the 12-mile marker in 1:33 so I was confident then of a 1:42 finish but somehow managed only 1:43:21, four seconds slower than my PB. I can only assume the heavy mileage caught up with me in that last mile.

That notwithstanding, I did feel strong most of the way round and had a pleasant day out. I love the event because it is such good value at £8 and the mug this year was a nicer design than the last two. I also bought a race t-shirt with the names of the runners which was great value as well for £5.

I stopped at the gym for a stretch, steam and shower and had a nice surprise when I bumped into an old friend, James Joel who I haven't seen for a couple of years. We exchanged numbers and will try to arrange a weekend in Bournemouth in the summer (where he lives) so that will be something to look forward to hopefully.

Monday 6th April
Nice steady run this evening, a bit further than usual at nine miles. I am definitely recovering better these days.

Tuesday 7th April
Lovely evening tonight so went outside for a speed session, did an 'old-school' sprints and hill session, 2 sets of 5 sprints and 5 hills. Even though my legs were tired I could tell I was quicker than I used to be. I weighed myself at the weekend and according to the dodgy scales am bang on 15 stone, so nearly 20 pounds lighter than when Ali and I had our famous 'chat'. I think 14 stone would be ideal but boy can I feel the difference.

Wednesday 8th April
Body pump and RPM as usual. Good classes as usual. Really can't wait for the Easter weekend now.

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