Wednesday 1 April 2009

Long knackering run

Friday 27th March
Complete rest. Had to take a half day leave and go to the Dentists' in Melksham for a check-up. Visited Dad while I was over there as well, and left with the usual food parcel. Came back to Swindon to watch the cricket and really, really wished I'd gone for a run instead.

Saturday 28th March
Wasn't sure what to do before or after body pump today but in the end I had a novel idea: a quick speed session on the treadmill. 1k warm up, then 8 * 3 minutes @ 14kph each followed by 1k cool down. It felt a lot easier than usual, running at that pace, which can only be a good sign.

Did about 30 minutes of core work after the class so a quality session for a Saturday morning as it turned out.

Sunday 29th March
Long run today. Intention was to run an hour on the treadmill, then do the Swindon half route from the gym. Managed the first part but not the second. Ran up the railway path and down Marlborough Road but then wimped out of the original plan and instead ran back along Queens Drive, through town, towards Cheney Manor and along Akers Way before heading round the lake and back to the gym. So I still covered a good twenty miles plus.

The problem was, I just ran out of steam completely in the run outside. Maybe the heavy mileage, coupled with work, the book, and the stress of trying to find new lodgers is all starting to get to me. Maybe time to take a breather after the Downs challenge on 16th May and concentrate on shorter distances.

Monday 30th March
It was my intention to do an easy recovery run tonight but it transpired my old friend Nicole Cutting was covering RPM, so I did that instead. Apart from the obvious fact that it was nice to see her again, it probably wasn't a bad move as 45 minutes of easy pedalling probably got a lot of lactic acid out of my legs. Plus I managed to get my weekly food shop done and still be home by 8pm.

Tuesday 31st March
Another speed session tonight, wanted to make it a quick one as I was showing yet another potential lodger my gaff.

1k warm up, then 10 * 2 minutes this time, I did the first two at 14.5kph then the next eight at 15kph. It was hard at first at that pace, but did seem to get easier. Maybe I just need to work on lengthening my stride. Aerobically it certainly didn't hurt as much as it used to.

I checked my weight on Saturday and according to the (admittedly slightly dodgy) scales in the back room I am 15st 2 pounds. My target (set by Ali O'Hara) is to get under 15 stone - 14 stone would be great, to go any lighter would mean having to lose muscle which I certainly don't want to do. So if I'm closer to a healthy weight that's probably why these sessions are easier.

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