Sunday 4 May 2008

Corsham 10k

Friday 25th April
Complete rest.

Saturday 26th April
Body pump in the morning, fairly light weights on squats and lunges. Also did a very steady two mile jog to break in a pair of Nike Air Vomeros that I had bought from as they were on special offer.

Sunday 27th April
Took part in the Corsham 10k today. Travelled to the event with Terry and Mike - always better to have company at these events. Terry doesn't enter many events these days - he's been running for so many years I suppose the novelty has worn off for him. Mike has also cut down his mileage recently as he's trying to bulk up a little. He did do this event last year so he warned me that it isn't really a PB course.

We decided to run together which worked fairly well at first. The start was very congested so none of us could really get off to a flyer. I also managed to not start my watch so was relying on Terry to tell me the pace we were running at. Despite the prediction of heavy rain the sun actually came out during the race and we both started to struggle in the heat. So much so, Terry actually decided to walk at about 8k. As badly as I was suffering, I carried on and attacked the hill at 9k which I had been warned about.

My official time was 50:10 but with chip timing I'm sure I would have got under 50 minutes. Nowhere near my PB for the distance but it wasn't an easy course and we weren't acclimatised to the heat. Terry finished about 20 seconds behind me, so I can no longer say that the running club are all too fast for me.

It was nice to see my Dad at the event and I love the t-shirt we got as a memento. If I'm not doing London next year will definitely do this event again.

Monday 28th April
4k on the treadmill, then I went out with the running club. Was really struggling tonight so I cut my run short and only did about 5 miles (Blagrove route). Should really have stuck to the treadmill but I was just finding it terribly boring.

Tuesday 29th April
Decided not to go to the track tonight as it was raining heavily. The problem is there is no building there for us to use before the session, so I would have been soaked even before the session starts. Did RPM endurance instead, which was good. Struggled a bit as my legs were very tight.

Wednesday 30th April
Body pump followed by 5k on the treadmill. Class was too crowded tonight, and some people need to be less selfish with their weights when the class is this busy. It amazes me how some people like to try and show off with their weights and then get the exercise hopelessly wrong.

Thursday 1st May
Complete rest today as I was going out for a meal with the Sports and Social club. Very nice it was too.

Friday 2nd May
Very tired tonight after last night and a hard week at work. Surprised myself by putting in a good interval session at the lake. Managed 5 laps, and even though I wasn't timing myself I reckon I was getting faster by the end. No problems with my heel or hamstring which is good.

Saturday 3rd May
Double classes at the gym today, RPM and body pump. We had a different instructor for RPM, and it was a good, tough session. Good choice of music as well. Struggled in pump, I think I had underestimated the effect of doing RPM first, and a tough session the previous evening. Great to see Kathyrn back, we've missed her while she's been away with a back injury.

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