Wednesday 14 May 2008

Keevil 10k

Saturday 10th May
Having done this event for the last two years, my original plan was to give it a miss this year. It's a very flat, but mentally challenging course; two laps of an airfield with almost no support except at the half way point and not much to look at.

I changed my mind when Rich, my brother-in-law, offered me someone else's race number and I'm glad I did. My thinking was it would make a nice day out for Dad, as I know he likes to come and watch us compete at races. In the end it was that and a lot more.

As regards the race itself I made my usual mistake of going off too quickly, trying to set a good pace. The pace this time was far too fast, as I passed the 1km marker in just over 4 minutes. At least I know what it feels like to run a 40 minute 10k, if only for one tenth of the way. Hopefully one day I'll laugh about that.

I passed the half way point with 23 minutes on the clock, so a PB was still on, but the second half was a lot tougher. Possibly because it was getting warm by then, but probably largely because I stupidly ate a crisp given to me by my niece Holly before the start of the race which gave me a stitch. You live and learn.

Whatever it was I finished in about 47:22 which I was quite happy with despite the slower second half. It was always going to be mentally challenging, the heat didn't help and I had only had one rest day.

More than the time, I was glad I did this race because it was a top day out. Not only did Dad come along, Fiona and Rich brought Holly and their foster son Tom, both of whom had a go in the kids' races and the three-legged race (a world record attempt). Both went home very happy with their medals and certificates.

In addition my mate Pete came along with his wife Sel and their baby Megan, who I met for the first time. It was really good to see them.

I called in at Fiona and Rich's for a cup of tea and a bite to eat (I was starving by then!) and on the way home called in at the gym for a stretch and a shower. It was nearly 6pm by the time I got home and finally cracked open a beer, but I celebrated by watching one of my favourite chick flicks "Stick It" and cooking dinner. I fell asleep, probably because I was so exhausted, but made up for it when I woke up..

Sunday 11th May
Had very sore quads today so only managed a very slow run today. Up the railway path, then along Marlborough Road, down Windsor Avenue and back through town to the gym. Had to walk quite a lot of it. Think this may have been due to my being on my feet for so long yesterday.

Monday 12th May
Again, a very slow run, did the Lethbridge route from the gym. Normally this takes 50-55 minutes but took over an hour today. Hmmm. And when I got back I found the scales were not put out for gym members but seemed to be working okay..

Body weight: 15st 8lb
Body fat percentage: 14.2% athletic body type, 23.1% standard body type.

Oh dear. In the four weeks the scales have been out of use I've put on 1.2lb. Not a complete disaster by any means, but not something to celebrate either. Body fat percentage is interesting, I can only guess it is roughly halfway between the two readings. In any case, I reckon I need to lose 8lb to get down to 15 stone, which should only take 4-5 weeks of hard work and discipline. Then I should break 45 minutes for a 10k easily..

Tuesday 13th May
Had a text from Clare to say she wasn't going to the track and quite frankly I didn't fancy trying to keep up with elite athletes over 6*900m reps. Decided to go to RPM endurance instead as it will burn a lot of calories. Unfortunately James was indisposed, and whilst the guy covering was very good, he was late for the class and didn't give us the full hour I was expecting.

Here's a funny thing. On the way out I was telling Emma about my 10k at the weekend. I never imagined I'd be telling anyone I was "not too unhappy" about a time of 47:22. Even six months ago I'd have been swinging from the trees after getting a time like that. I wonder what she made of it..

Wednesday 14th May
Legs feeling a bit better today so combined body pump with a treadmill session:
3km treadmill, starting off slowly, building up speed every 200m
Body pump. Good class, but felt a bit light headed. Decent weights on all the tracks.
5km treadmill, mostly steady but faster at the end.

Forgot to mention that the Samaritans have confirmed my place for the Berlin marathon this week. Looks like I'd better start knocking out those 20 mile training runs!

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