Saturday 31 May 2008

Taking a break

Tuesday 27th May
Was heading to Birmingham for an early flight to Munich in the morning so decided to fit a training run in in the morning as I had a half day holiday. Went out before breakfast to try to get my body used to running on empty - simulating the last few miles of a marathon, if you like.

Ran down the railway path, along the lethbridge route and then back up the railway path. Through old town and then home. 7-8 miles approx. But if I wanted to burn off the calories I was about to consume over the next few days, 70-80 would have been more appropriate.

Wednesday 28th May
In Germany. A lot of eating and too much drinking. Good fun though, and I don't begrudge myself a couple of days off - it's patently clear I need it.

Thursday 29th May
As above. Flew back today but got back too late to train, besides which I had a couple of beers with lunch and on the journey home.

Friday 30th May
I knew I had consumed an awful lot of calories in the last few days so it was time to start burning them off. 4.8km on the treadmill, followed by nearly an hour's run outside (Cheney Manor route via the church). Psychologically this is also a tough session, going for a run outside after a treadmill session.

Saturday 31st May
Double classes, RPM and body pump. Have the Fairford 10k tomorrow but will have to use it purely as a training run (which will be quite nice actually). More important to burn calories at this stage and get under 15 stone. Decided to find out how much damage I had done in Germany exactly:

Body weight 15st 9.6lb
Body fat percentage: 16.6% athletic build, 25.1% standard.
Not as bad as it could have been. Given how bad my eating and drinking has been of late, I half expected to have put on more than 1.6lb. And I know where I am now, plan to be very disciplined for the next few weeks, and will be training twice a day when I can so I should get rid of 10 pounds fairly quickly - if I haven't done it by the end of June I'll be disappointed.

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