Friday 16 May 2008

Out with the lads

Thursday 15th May
Running club tonight, wasn't sure who, if anyone, was going out, so did 5k on the treadmill to warm up. It turned out only Terry and Gerry were out, so I decided to join them on the basis that they are faster than me and will push me. If I want to get into shape for the Berlin marathon, I need people who can push me on longer runs.

We did a route that was new to me, but took in parts of my other routes. It was about 8 miles in total, but at 5 miles I was struggling to keep up so hung back and let them go. No shame in that - I'd already done a lot this week. Still pushed myself in the last 3 miles, knowing they'd be outside the gym waiting for me. Good, tough session.

Terry commented that it seems strange I struggle sometimes on these runs whereas in races I'm a lot stronger. I can only assume it's because when I get to the start line I've usually had a couple of days' rest, whereas in the week I work hard almost every day.

Friday 16th May
My legs were feeling very tired tonight, so wasn't sure what to do. In the end opted for an hour on the treadmill watching cricket highlights. Nice and steady, just cruising pace most of the way and a little faster in the end. Covered 11.3k, just over 7 miles. Plenty of calories burned, which is fine with me as I'll be consuming quite a few in the form of beer at Lords' tomorrow.

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