Tuesday 3 June 2008

Fairford 10k

Sunday 1st June
Competed in the Fairford 10k today, which I have done for the last two years. It's a lovely run, but not really a PB course.

Passed the first kilometre marker in 4 minutes 50 seconds, and at that point decided I couldn't be bothered to put pressure on myself, so turned my watch off and just enjoyed the run. My legs were sore from the previous two days and it was only ever meant to be a training run. I knew I had finished in roughly 50 minutes and when I found out later my time was 50:16 I was more than happy.

Time to start cranking up my mileage now so went out for another run later in the afternoon. Chose the Elcombe route which is roughly 10 miles. Struggled with this to be honest, not sure if it was exhaustion on my part or the weather being close and muggy, but I felt like I was going to pass out at several stages and had to walk bits of it.

Monday 2nd June
Long overdue PT session with Ali tonight. He went through a new core routine for me, which I really like as it seems more advanced than what I have done before. He also said I picked up the exercises well which was good, it proves my body is getting better at this kind of exercise. He didn't seem too happy about my weight mind you - all the more reason to impress him by losing 10 pounds.

Will post the new core routine here at a later date.

Also did 3k on the treadmill to warm up, and 2k to cool down.

Tuesday 3rd June
Track session tonight, 10 x 300m, 2 1/4 minutes off the lead runner. A small group tonight due to the weather which made it harder, not that I could have pushed myself much harder than I did. 4 laps to warm up and another 4 to warm down. Good session.

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