Tuesday 17 June 2008

Westonbirt 10k

Sunday 8th June
Complete rest.

Monday 9th June
Competed in the Westonbirt 10k. It took the gloss off it for me that my Dad didn't come to watch this year, as my brother-in-law decided not to run. Still, there were a few friendly faces and I travelled up there with Becky, so that was nice.

I've always thought that evening races are much harder than running on a Sunday morning as a day at work really saps your energy. This was definitely the case tonight.

I got well forward at the start as the race is usually very congested. This proved a wise move and not as many people overtook me as I was expecting. However it was hard work running a good pace all the way round, and my breathing never really settled. In the end I was very happy with a time of 49:40 given the course and the time of the event. At least it was the right side of 50 minutes.

Tuesday 10th June
Didn't want to risk a track session as I was still tired from the race so just did a long steady run on my own. Probably went a bit too far as I was on my feet for 90 minutes and after an hour felt I had been out for long enough.

Wednesday 11th June
Complete rest.

Decided NOT to compete in the Lethbridge 10k 2 days after Westonbirt and offered my services as a marshall instead. Enjoyed doing this, and managed to get back to the race HQ before the last finisher crossed the line. Stayed for the presentation and was allowed to take home a water bottle (this year's memento) so I was still part of the event.

Thursday 12th June
Running club tonight, about 7 miles approx. Good run, but hard work. Kev and Terry went off at too good a pace for me, but I had Becky to run with so that was ok. Ended up pushing myself harder than I would have liked, given that I have the Broad Town 5 mile race on Saturday.

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