Tuesday 17 June 2008

Broad Town 5

Friday 13th June
Complete rest.

Saturday 14th June
Went to body pump in the morning, but went very light on squats and lunges as I had the Broad Town 5 mile race in the afternoon.

Body weight 15st 6.4lb
Body fat percentage 14.9% (athletic body type) 23.3% standard.
Disappointed not to have lost anything but at least I haven't put any on. Body fat readings looking better though.

Competed in the Broad Town 5 mile race in the afternoon. Decided to treat it as a training run and enjoy it. I did it last year and remember it being a tough course, plus it was hot in the afternoon.

At about 2 miles it occured to me this is going to be my last race in the senior male category. Next time I'll be a veteran (unless I lie on the entry form, of course..). Quite a depressing thought..

Didn't find the course as challenging as last year, but found it hard to maintain a good pace. Remember passing the 4 mile marker in just over 32 minutes so had to run the last mile in less than 8 to get under 40 minutes. Very happy with a time of 38:57, it meant I had run the last mile in less than 7 minutes, so that's a first. Mind you, it was almost exclusively downhill..

Stopped at the gym on the way home for a stretch and a shower. Checked my weight to see if I'd lost any during the race and I had indeed lost 2.2lb (1 kilo). Think 15st 4.2lb is the lightest I've ever been since my University days, and it meant I had lost a stone since the famous rollicking I got from Ali. So, even if the last 2 pounds is due to fluid loss, I think I can be proud of my efforts.

Sunday 15th June
Complete rest today, as I was off to a twenty20 cricket match with some of my friends from running. Meant to get up early and go for a run in the morning, but it didn't happen.

Monday 16th June
Recovery run, 5 miles on the treadmill. Had a very good day out yesterday, so was not feeling my best! The stress of my car breaking down didn't help either...

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