Saturday 7 June 2008

Getting my focus back

Wednesday 4th June
Body pump tonight, did 2.8k on the treadmill to warm up beforehand and 5.2k afterwards. Got to get the mileage up now. Like the fact that Ali is mixing the tracks up now in pump.

Thursday 5th June
Running club tonight. Conveniently I was working from home so didn't have to wear myself out on the treadmill waiting for everyone else to show up. There were only four of us but it was a good run, we went up the railway path and back through the town centre, 7 miles give or take. Struggled a bit, at one point I couldn't keep up purely by dint of the fact that my legs were so sore I physically couldn't go any faster.

Terry commented that I am "an enigma" because I struggle in training but am much stronger in races. I explained that I have had three hard days whereas before a race I usually have two or three days off.

It occured to me later that this was actually my seventh hard day in a row, so need to take it a bit easier tomorrow.

Friday 6th June
Working from home today so availed myself of the opportunity to attend Ali's 45 minute lunchtime body pump class. No cardio work today, but found myself itching to get on the scales and see if the hard work was paying off. Indeed it was.

Weigh in
Body weight 15 stone 6.6lb
I'm not going to bother with the body fat percentage as the machine seemed to think I had lost three pounds of muscle (or something else..). However you look at it, 3 pounds in 6 days is a good effort and I am the right side of 15 1/2 stone again. Getting down to 15 stone this month looks like a very realistic and achievable target.

Satuday 7th June
Body pump as usual, easy on the squats but went a bit heavier on the chest track. Not sure Ali approved but I don't see the harm in trying to go a bit heavier at times; worst case scenario is I can't finish the track and I know for next time.

The sun was shining so I went for a nice steady jog outside afterwards, doing the Lethbridge route. When I got back to the gym I practised my new core exercises from Monday as I hadn't had a chance and needed to go through them while they are relatively fresh in my mind. So quite a tough session in the end, nearly three hours of work.

Complete rest tomorrow though, as I want to be fresh for the Westonbirt 10k on Monday evening.

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