Monday 30 June 2008

Bourton Hilly Half

Tuesday 24th June
Track session, 6*500m, 3 minutes off the lead runner. Did 5 laps to warm up, 2 to cool down. Really struggled this evening, felt very tired after my exertions at the weekend. Felt I needed a bit of a rest.

Again, these sessions are becoming increasingly elitist, Clare was the only other person from group 3 and there weren't many people from group 2 either. I know I should compare myself to the people that don't do this type of training and wonder why they don't get any faster, but it can be demoralising when you are busting a gut and still coming last on every rep.

Wednesday 25th June
Body pump as usual, 2 miles on the treadmill beforehand, another 3 afterwards. Time for a rest now as I want to be fresh on Saturday.

Thursday 26th June & Friday 27th June
Complete rest on both days.

Saturday 28th June
Went to body pump in the morning but gave squats a miss. Went light on most other tracks as well.

Meant to relax in the afternoon before the race but had an upset stomach. Knew I should probably give the race a miss but went along anyway.

The Bourton Hilly Half is definitely one of my favourites despite the hills. Took the view again this year just to use it as a hard training run. The hill in the first mile was a killer, but still did it in 9mins 15 secs which is not a bad effort. Felt strong most of the way round and despite stomach pains kept up a good-ish pace.

Really bad news at mile 9, just as I had got over the last big hill I suffered a stabbing pain in my troublesome right hamstring. Managed to carry on but eased off the pace a little, and the pain did seem to subside a little.

In the end I was very happy with my time of 1:52:57 as this was about 6-7 minutes faster than last year and much faster than I was expecting. Had it not been for the upset stomach and hamstring injury sub 1:50 would have been a distinct possibility, and a very respectable time for the course.

Availed myself of a free sports massage (just a rub down really) and had a little walk. The hamstring was still sore but not as bad as it has been in the past. Still, it's a worry and I will need to manage the injury carefully.

Sunday 29th June
No running today, just 30-45 minutes of core work and stretching.

Monday 30th June
Again decided not to risk running, went to RPM instead. Used the foam roller on my legs afterwards which definitely seemed to help. Must do this more from now on.

Monday 23 June 2008

Birthday training

Tuesday 17th June
Track session, 8 * 400m, 2.5 minutes off the leader. Managed all reps, 5 laps to warm up and 3 to cool down. With most of the people from what normally constitutes group 3 no longer showing up, it's getting lonely at the back. But hopefully I will be able to move up to group 2 if I keep these sessions up.

Wednesday 18th June
Body pump this evening. Did 1 mile on the treadmill to warm up beforehand and another 4 after the class. Good session, but the calories burnt off will no doubt be consumed over the next few days.

Thurday 19th June
My birthday today, so just a nice steady run on my own in the afternoon. 1 hour 20 mins approx. Enjoyed the sunshine and took my top off for most of the run! The reason for going out early and on my own was so I could go home and spend the evening relaxing in front of the telly with Twenty20 cricket. See what I mean?

Friday 20th June
Still on holiday so did Ali's 45-minute body pump class at lunchtime, followed by 5k on the treadmill. Found my dodgy hamstring was hurting so resisted the temptation to do any more than that.

Had a full body massage with Ali later in the afternoon, which I found incredibly painful, especially when he did the lower part of my legs. Interesting.

Saturday 21st June
Double classes at the gym, RPM and body pump. It must have been hot in the spinning class as the sweat was pouring off me and at one point in pump I had to wipe the bar down! Not sure Ali approved of me increasing my weights on the triceps and shoulders tracks but it didn't feel too bad.

Followed the session with 30 minutes of core work (half of my routine).

Birthday night out in Bath later so no doubt put back all the calories I'd burned off today..

Sunday 22nd June
Felt surprisingly fresh today and wasn't really sure what to do. In the end did 7 miles (11.2k) on the treadmill in about an hour followed by the Cheney Manor route. So about 13-14 miles in total. Time to start building up my long runs and to do so today was a bonus.

Monday 23rd June
Running club. Did 1 mile on the treadmill to warm up, then we did 7 miles outside. Fortunately I wasn't the only one struggling tonight so managed to keep up despite feeling sore. Good run, in fact, I enjoyed it.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Broad Town 5

Friday 13th June
Complete rest.

Saturday 14th June
Went to body pump in the morning, but went very light on squats and lunges as I had the Broad Town 5 mile race in the afternoon.

Body weight 15st 6.4lb
Body fat percentage 14.9% (athletic body type) 23.3% standard.
Disappointed not to have lost anything but at least I haven't put any on. Body fat readings looking better though.

Competed in the Broad Town 5 mile race in the afternoon. Decided to treat it as a training run and enjoy it. I did it last year and remember it being a tough course, plus it was hot in the afternoon.

At about 2 miles it occured to me this is going to be my last race in the senior male category. Next time I'll be a veteran (unless I lie on the entry form, of course..). Quite a depressing thought..

Didn't find the course as challenging as last year, but found it hard to maintain a good pace. Remember passing the 4 mile marker in just over 32 minutes so had to run the last mile in less than 8 to get under 40 minutes. Very happy with a time of 38:57, it meant I had run the last mile in less than 7 minutes, so that's a first. Mind you, it was almost exclusively downhill..

Stopped at the gym on the way home for a stretch and a shower. Checked my weight to see if I'd lost any during the race and I had indeed lost 2.2lb (1 kilo). Think 15st 4.2lb is the lightest I've ever been since my University days, and it meant I had lost a stone since the famous rollicking I got from Ali. So, even if the last 2 pounds is due to fluid loss, I think I can be proud of my efforts.

Sunday 15th June
Complete rest today, as I was off to a twenty20 cricket match with some of my friends from running. Meant to get up early and go for a run in the morning, but it didn't happen.

Monday 16th June
Recovery run, 5 miles on the treadmill. Had a very good day out yesterday, so was not feeling my best! The stress of my car breaking down didn't help either...

Westonbirt 10k

Sunday 8th June
Complete rest.

Monday 9th June
Competed in the Westonbirt 10k. It took the gloss off it for me that my Dad didn't come to watch this year, as my brother-in-law decided not to run. Still, there were a few friendly faces and I travelled up there with Becky, so that was nice.

I've always thought that evening races are much harder than running on a Sunday morning as a day at work really saps your energy. This was definitely the case tonight.

I got well forward at the start as the race is usually very congested. This proved a wise move and not as many people overtook me as I was expecting. However it was hard work running a good pace all the way round, and my breathing never really settled. In the end I was very happy with a time of 49:40 given the course and the time of the event. At least it was the right side of 50 minutes.

Tuesday 10th June
Didn't want to risk a track session as I was still tired from the race so just did a long steady run on my own. Probably went a bit too far as I was on my feet for 90 minutes and after an hour felt I had been out for long enough.

Wednesday 11th June
Complete rest.

Decided NOT to compete in the Lethbridge 10k 2 days after Westonbirt and offered my services as a marshall instead. Enjoyed doing this, and managed to get back to the race HQ before the last finisher crossed the line. Stayed for the presentation and was allowed to take home a water bottle (this year's memento) so I was still part of the event.

Thursday 12th June
Running club tonight, about 7 miles approx. Good run, but hard work. Kev and Terry went off at too good a pace for me, but I had Becky to run with so that was ok. Ended up pushing myself harder than I would have liked, given that I have the Broad Town 5 mile race on Saturday.

Saturday 7 June 2008

Getting my focus back

Wednesday 4th June
Body pump tonight, did 2.8k on the treadmill to warm up beforehand and 5.2k afterwards. Got to get the mileage up now. Like the fact that Ali is mixing the tracks up now in pump.

Thursday 5th June
Running club tonight. Conveniently I was working from home so didn't have to wear myself out on the treadmill waiting for everyone else to show up. There were only four of us but it was a good run, we went up the railway path and back through the town centre, 7 miles give or take. Struggled a bit, at one point I couldn't keep up purely by dint of the fact that my legs were so sore I physically couldn't go any faster.

Terry commented that I am "an enigma" because I struggle in training but am much stronger in races. I explained that I have had three hard days whereas before a race I usually have two or three days off.

It occured to me later that this was actually my seventh hard day in a row, so need to take it a bit easier tomorrow.

Friday 6th June
Working from home today so availed myself of the opportunity to attend Ali's 45 minute lunchtime body pump class. No cardio work today, but found myself itching to get on the scales and see if the hard work was paying off. Indeed it was.

Weigh in
Body weight 15 stone 6.6lb
I'm not going to bother with the body fat percentage as the machine seemed to think I had lost three pounds of muscle (or something else..). However you look at it, 3 pounds in 6 days is a good effort and I am the right side of 15 1/2 stone again. Getting down to 15 stone this month looks like a very realistic and achievable target.

Satuday 7th June
Body pump as usual, easy on the squats but went a bit heavier on the chest track. Not sure Ali approved but I don't see the harm in trying to go a bit heavier at times; worst case scenario is I can't finish the track and I know for next time.

The sun was shining so I went for a nice steady jog outside afterwards, doing the Lethbridge route. When I got back to the gym I practised my new core exercises from Monday as I hadn't had a chance and needed to go through them while they are relatively fresh in my mind. So quite a tough session in the end, nearly three hours of work.

Complete rest tomorrow though, as I want to be fresh for the Westonbirt 10k on Monday evening.

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Fairford 10k

Sunday 1st June
Competed in the Fairford 10k today, which I have done for the last two years. It's a lovely run, but not really a PB course.

Passed the first kilometre marker in 4 minutes 50 seconds, and at that point decided I couldn't be bothered to put pressure on myself, so turned my watch off and just enjoyed the run. My legs were sore from the previous two days and it was only ever meant to be a training run. I knew I had finished in roughly 50 minutes and when I found out later my time was 50:16 I was more than happy.

Time to start cranking up my mileage now so went out for another run later in the afternoon. Chose the Elcombe route which is roughly 10 miles. Struggled with this to be honest, not sure if it was exhaustion on my part or the weather being close and muggy, but I felt like I was going to pass out at several stages and had to walk bits of it.

Monday 2nd June
Long overdue PT session with Ali tonight. He went through a new core routine for me, which I really like as it seems more advanced than what I have done before. He also said I picked up the exercises well which was good, it proves my body is getting better at this kind of exercise. He didn't seem too happy about my weight mind you - all the more reason to impress him by losing 10 pounds.

Will post the new core routine here at a later date.

Also did 3k on the treadmill to warm up, and 2k to cool down.

Tuesday 3rd June
Track session tonight, 10 x 300m, 2 1/4 minutes off the lead runner. A small group tonight due to the weather which made it harder, not that I could have pushed myself much harder than I did. 4 laps to warm up and another 4 to warm down. Good session.