Sunday 10 August 2008

Friday Night Long Run

Friday 8th August
I decided to do my long run after work tonight as I am off the Oval for the cricket tomorrow and know I won't be able to run hard on Sunday.

Did 11.4k on the treadmill in an hour followed by the Elcombe route (10 miles). As I headed out that since Sunday I will have notched up over 50 miles. Not bad considering I had a race mid-week.

The run outside was tough going and took longer than it should have, my legs and feet did feel very tired but I kept telling myself I have to get used to spending this sort of time on my feet. Didn't get home until nearly 10pm and was absolutely shattered - very time consuming this marathon training.

Saturday 9th August
Complete rest. Very disappointing day at the cricket as we only had the morning session, and even that was cut short. Still, I managed to visit my Uncle for the first time in over a year, and headed to central London for dinner and a few more drinks before heading home.

Sunday 10th August
Managed a run in the evening, 6-7 miles steady - railway path and back through the town centre.

I fly out to Germany for SAP training tomorrow so this week will be a write-off as far as training is concerned. Will take my trainers just in case but there isn't a gym at my hotel and I doubt there will be time in any case. Plan to run 7-8 miles hard tomorrow, may be home in time for a run Thursday. Think I will have to forget a PB for the half marathon until after Berlin as I will need a hard training week leading up to the Pewsey half on 24th August and have offered to run the Chippenham half with my brother-in-law to help get him round in under 2 hours.

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