Thursday 7 August 2008

Pewsey 5 mile race

Monday 4th August
Complete rest. Felt very tired after my long run so just went home and relaxed. The increase in mileage is starting to take its toll. Race number for Wednesday arrived though.

Tuesday 5th August
Was thinking about the track today but it was pissing down with rain so I couldn't face it. Went to the gym, did just 5k on the treadmill, very steady. Just wanted to get the legs working again before tomorrow, and break in a pair of Nike Air Perseus trainers I got for £20!

Wednesday 6th August
Pewsey 5 mile race. Enjoyed it last year and always support PVRC's events so was keen to have another go at it. Not really sure what to write about it - I like this distance because it's over quickly but it was hard work tonight. Managed a reasonable pace all the way but don't think my heart and lungs could have worked much harder, plus I always think evening races are harder than Sunday morning ones.

Disappointed that I only knocked off 1 minute off my time from last year but at least the hills didn't feel as bad. To be fair I haven't done so much speed work lately, concentrating instead on longer distances.

I usually try not to drink mid-week but had a few hard-earned beers when I got home.

Thursday 7th August
Cheney Manor route via the church, 6-7 miles, very steady. Recovered from yesterday and got my legs moving again. Plan to do a long run Friday as I will be at the Oval Saturday so will struggle to do any decent distance on Sunday.

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