Sunday 3 August 2008

Increasing the mileage

Thursday 31st July
Running club tonight, ran with Terry and Steph. According to Terry we did 7 miles in just over an hour, but I may have sneaked under one hour as I put in a sprint finish. Struggled a bit tonight, think I may still not have recovered from Sunday.

Friday 1st August
Complete rest. Bit of a calorie fest today as the boss paid for us all to have a cooked breakfast (wouldn't have had my porridge if I'd know) plus I went out for a meal in the evening at the Cosmo in the town centre which is basically an all you can eat buffet. Overdid it a bit and had a touch of indigestion. I think my body liked it though, at the risk of supplying too much information, it is getting increasingly good at taking all the nutrients and getting rid of everything else.

Saturday 2nd August
I really can't take my beer these days and didn't manage to run until the evening. Went out from home, 7-8 miles approx, down the railway path, lethbridge route, back up the railway path and through Old Town. Nearly got run down by a mini crossing a road - how embarrassing would that have been?

Sunday 3rd August
Long run, 20 miles approx. Usual route from the gym, up the railway path and picked up the half route, came back via the railway path as well. Managed it in just over 3 hours but struggled a bit and had to have a few walk breaks. Think I was still dehydrated. Note to self: always have a bottle of powerade with breakfast on long run days!

Not in the best frame of mind today either, was obviously disappointed at the cricket but was also saddened to hear of Michael Vaughan's resignation today. May have to write a special piece on my other blog in tribute.

Finally got round to seeing The Dark Knight after my run, which is absolutely brilliant but possibly not a film to watch when you're feeling a tad depressed.

Couple of easy days now as I am doing the Pewsey 5 mile race on Wednesday. Or at least I hope I am - I still haven't had my race number?!

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