Thursday 28 August 2008


Monday 25th August

Not feeling too bad today, which tells me I probably didn't run hard enough during the race yesterday. Even so, I planned to do the RPM class scheduled for 6pm to loosen my legs up, but what with Fitness First being the last bastion of efficiency and quality customer service, nobody turned up to teach it.

Ended up going out with the running club which was a big mistake, as well as being tired I had chest pains and a really bad stitch. Fortunately Andy was there and stayed with me, otherwise I would probably have gone back. Managed to knock out the five or six miles of the Cheney route, but much slower than expected.

The main group did the route at about 8 mins 22 per mile, which is faster than I managed at the race, and far too quick for me the day after a race.

Tuesday 26th August
Speed interval session on the treadmill tonight, 2 sets of 1 minute efforts with 1 minute recovery, 2 minutes between sets. Did the first set at 14kph and the second at 15kph. The former wasn't really challenging enough, so must do all the efforts at the better pace next time and possibly with shorter recoveries.

Good session though, and I like the fact that I can do this sort of thing indoors when I don't feel up to going to the track.

Wednesday 27th August
Meant to do body pump tonight, but it was cancelled with no warning or explanation. What did I say about fitness first earlier? Found out later it was because Ali refused to teach the class because the music system still hasn't been fixed, and had got fed up with having to shout instructions while teaching the class. I don't blame him one iota.

Went for a long-ish run tonight, up the railway path, through Old Town, along Marlborough road and back along Queens Drive. 1 hour 20 mins approx. Not the best of runs, not helped by the face I only had my cheap trainers (I planned to do RPM after pump) and I felt very tired mentally as much as anything - got far too much on my plate at the moment and my holiday after the marathon really can't come quickly enough.

Thursday 28th August
Interval session at the lake tonight, managed five laps this time. Quality session, my t-shirt was absolutely soaked with sweat when I got back to the gym. I need to make this my regular Thursday or Friday session if I'm going to get that half marathon time down.

Plan now is to rest or have a very easy session tomorrow, body pump Saturday morning followed by a long run (probably the Swindon half route from home) in the evening. Reason being I am at Lords on Sunday for the one day international so I won't be able to get my long run in then. Let's just hope it doesn't f**king rain this time and I finally get a well-earned day at the cricket!!

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