Saturday 16 August 2008

Getting back into it

Monday 11th August
Ran from home before breakfast, about 7 miles approx. Down the railway path, then decided to do the Lethbridge route backwards (for the first time) and ran back up Kingshill. My legs felt very tired during this run and I thought to myself it might not be a bad thing to give myself 3 complete days off in Germany and allow my body to recover.

Tuesday 12th - Thursday 14th August - Complete rest
Arrived in Munich Monday night, flew back Thursday afternoon. Had a very pleasant few days, the training in the daytime was draining as I not only had to learn the system but also had to do a lot of translating and interpreting. The evenings were great, went out to eat at the local restaurants and spent a very nice evening drinking beer with some German colleagues from the office in Salzgitter.

Couldn't help but feel that this is the kind of life I was born for, and would really like another extended period living in Germany. Relocating at 40 won't be as easy as it was at 23, but apart from deciding what to do about the house, there isn't an awful lot holding me back. Watch this space.

Friday 15th August
11.4 km on the treadmill in just under an hour. Wasn't sure whether to do this or run outside - it was a nice evening - but opted for a calorie burning session instead. Was nice to bump into an old friend from work, Graham Kirk, who has just joined the gym. He commented that I was looking well from running marathons, which was nice.

Legs felt a bit tired afterwards however. They must have enjoyed a rest.

Saturday 16th August
Double classes, RPM and body pump. RPM was not so good today, got a sweat on but there were too many recoveries for my liking. Anthony told me not to bother with spinning for the time being, and I know he's right, I just didn't want to tire my legs out before my long run tomorrow.

Body pump on the other hand was a real struggle, and my body seemed to be saying to me "I thought we'd stopped doing this?". It didn't help that Ali rushed through the tracks like a mad thing because he wanted to watch the cycling after the class. At least Kathryn said she found it hard the first time after a couple of weeks off, so it isn't just me. Hopefully Wednesday will be better.

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