Sunday 13 July 2008

Another long run

Wednesday 9th July
Just body pump today, no cardio work before or after. Was very tempted to do spinning class afterwards, but I knew my legs needed a rest. Found the new release a little (but not a lot) easier second time round.

Thursday 10th July
Running club tonight, just four of us out. Steph and Andy did a shorter route in the end while myself and Terry pushed on and did about 6.5 miles. I really enjoy running with Terry, we run at a challenging pace, but not so much that we can't have a good conversation. I shall miss him while he's on holiday for the next two and a bit weeks.

Friday 11th July
Wasn't sure at all what to do tonight, considered hill reps but the weather wasn't great so I just ran indoors in the end. Managed an hour on the treadmill (I think - it's been a long week and I pretty much collapsed by the time I got home).

Saturday 12th July
Double classes this morning, RPM and body pump. Have taken the view that spinning is probably a better option than running on a Saturday if I plan to do a really long run on the Sunday. As it turned out, the RPM class was taken by a chap called Shaun from the Eldene gym instead of Rich Jones, and it was a good, tough class. So much so I shook his hand and thanked him at the end, and may well find out what time his classes are at Eldene. I was very impressed.

Struggled in body pump and Ali knew it. I think he wanted to get the class out of the way as soon as possible which is fair enough, but when I can't take a sip of my sports drink during a two-hour training session maybe he is taking it a bit too far.

Also did 30 minutes of my core work afterwards. I struggle to fit this in sometimes but I do enjoy doing it and the benefits are obvious.

Had a really nice surprise later in the day when Anthony rang me for a catch-up. He had obviously been impressed by my progress on this blog and the weight loss in particular, he has urged me to get my weight down to 14 - 14.5 stone and thinks a 40-minute 10k should be on the cards if I can do that. He has also asked me to join him in doing the Marathon des Sables in 2010, which is a huge challenge and a massive compliment if he thinks I can rise to it. Extreme sports would be the logical progression for me, and if my literary career takes off as my tutor seems to think it could, I should be able to devote more time to training by then. What was it someone said about life beginning at 40?

Sunday 13th July
Another long run today. My intention is to do a shorter long run next week (maybe about 15 miles) and then taper for the Gloucester half marathon on 27th July where I shall be targeting a PB.

Wasn't sure what route to do, but as it was a sunny day I was wary about being outside for too long as I didn't want to get burnt. Ended up doing 7 miles on the treadmill in just under an hour, then went out and did my old half-marathon training run. This is a pastiche if you like of the lethbridge route, the railway path, marlborough road, queens drive and back to the gym via town centre. Don't know exactly how far it is but I imagine comfortably 12 miles, maybe 13. Despite having to walk parts as I felt a bit faint at times, and stopping for traffic, I still did it in less than two hours which I was very pleased with - in total 19-20 miles at a good pace. And my legs stood up to it better than they did a week ago.

Weighed myself afterwards, am now 15st 3lb. Disappointed I haven't got under 15 stone yet, but at least it is still going in the right direction. If I keep this mileage up and lay off the sauce, 14 and a half stone should be easily achievable well before I get to the start line in Berlin.

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