Tuesday 22 July 2008

Feeling tired

Thursday 17th July
Went out with the running club tonight, did 7-8 miles at a good pace with Becky and her brother Mark (a trio of Weedons!)

Felt tired initially and was struggling in the early stages but was spurred on when Andy made a comment implying it was a lack of fitness, not tiredness, that was causing me to struggle, so I set out to prove him wrong. Yet again we had to leave him and Steph behind and it is sad to see him unable to keep up with the main group when he used to be bossing the pace.

In the same period where I have lost weight, he has gained it, and our roles have been reversed. I wish I knew what I could do to get him to address the issue, and I now fully understand why Anthony and Ali have been so frustrated by my weight issues in the past.

Friday 18th July
Hill reps, 2 sets of 10 with a five minute jog in between. Really feeling tired now, and couldn't help feeling I was going through the motions and not pushing as hard as I should have.

If I'm completely honest the only reason I trained tonight was because it's been another tough, stressful week at work and if I'd gone straight home I'd have started on the wine as soon as I'd got in the door.

Saturday 19th July
Double classes, RPM and body pump. Shaun was teaching RPM again and it was a good, tough class, but I didn't go crazy with the resistance to save my legs for tomorrow's long run.

Sunday 20th July
Long run. 11.4k (just over 7 miles) on the treadmill in an hour followed by the Elcombe route which is 10 miles. Pace not so good, but still reasonable, it took roughly 95 mins (so approximtely 9 minute miles allowing for stoppages).

I definitely feel that my legs are coping well with the increase in mileage, it certainly helps that they don't have so much weight to carry and again I noticed on the tough hills I could run all the way to the top whereas in the past I'd have given up and walked.

The Tanita scales were broken yet again so I used a different set and worked out my weight in stones and pounds: 15 stone 3lbs. Very disappointed not to have lost anything, felt like I'd done enough to deserve it. My diet hasn't been that bad either. I guess this will happen from time to time. I'm just keen to get under 15 stone sooner than later.

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