Tuesday 8 July 2008

First Long Run

Sunday 6th July
Did my first long run for a little while today, 20 miles approx. Starting at the gym, up the railway path, picking up the Swindon half route, then back through the town centre. Got a little lost in Wanborough as I decided to do the half route backwards, probably added on an extra mile. Not good weather today and got caught in a downpour. Interestingly I was passed by Tamsin Simmonds from the Swindon Harriers who asked how far I was going and what I was training for. When I told her she remarked it might be a bit early for me to be doing 20+ miles. My reply was that the more long, long runs (as I call them) I can do before then, the better. She did not demur.

In any case, struggled in the last few miles and had to walk some stretches, so there is work to do.

Monday 7th July
Very sore today, so just 5 miles slow on the treadmill. Clearly my body is not used to these long distances, so I was vindicated in starting them sooner than later.

Tuesday 8th July
Probably shouldn't have gone to the track tonight, but I hate missing these sessions because I feel such a wimp.

4 laps to warm-up, then 5 sets of 500m + 300m, 1.5 mins between efforts, 4 minutes between sets. So 4k of speedwork altogether. Despite being still very sore, managed all the reps. Thought I would have to just do the 5 * 500m so quite pleased. 2 laps to cool down.

Numbers at the track seem to be falling every week, I can't remember the last time there were so few people there. Maybe it is holiday season, but I struggle to understand why fewer people come in summer when the weather is better and recoveries are longer. Strange.

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