Tuesday 29 January 2008

28th / 29th January

Monday 28th January
Legs felt very sore today so just did 10k on the treadmill at a very slow pace to loosen my legs up and burn some of the calories I consumed over the weekend. I never used to be this sore the day after a 10 mile run, so I definitely need to get my body used to long distance running again.

Tuesday 29th January
Decided not to go to the track tonight as I wasn't sure what a "whistle-stop session" is. Having struggled with the hills on Sunday, decided to go to the gym and do hill reps at the ridge. Last time I did any hill reps was on Boxing Day last year, so no wonder I find hills hard at the moment. Instead of doing 2 sets of 10 or a mixture of hills and sprints, I did 3 sets of 8 with recoveries in between. This seemed to work well - managed to push myself hard enough to be out of breath all through the sets and was on my feet for a good hour. Quality session and I need more of these.

Am especially glad I did this session tonight because if I hadn't I wouldn't have known it was my friend Esme's birthday today (they put the names of all the people whose birthday it is on a board at the gym) and I wouldn't have been able to wish her a happy birthday. Sometimes it is good to be reminded of the real reason I do this sport, namely for the nice people I have met as a result.

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