Wednesday 9 January 2008

Starting to feel better

Managed to train yesterday and this evening, although still some way from feeling my best.

Yesterday (Tuesday) should have been a track session, but I knew I would never make it through that, so just ran indoors (again). Thought about doing some speedwork outside, but it was a good job I didn't; I couldn't run any faster than 11.4 km/h on the treadmill before the breathing became a real problem (too much coughing and spluttering). Still, managed to knock out 10k in total somehow, plus I did my abs work so not a bad session under the circumstances.

Tonight (Wednesday) I did pump as usual, going fairly light, not just because I am unwell, but also because I am learning the new release. Remember the biceps track feeling heavy, but was only using my usual weight. I guess that proves what the lurgy takes out of you. No spinning tonight (fancied getting home at a decent hour for a change) but did 3.2k on the treadmill to warm up instead. Enough for now.

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