Monday 14 January 2008

Roughed 'n' tumbled 2008

Yesterday (Sunday) was my first race of 2008, the Rough 'n' Tumble 10, at Milton Lilbourne. I say race, but event or training exercise would sum it up better. There was no chance of me competing in this kind of event (cross country). I just don't get this kind of running.

Having said that, it did provide a good training run. I did it last year in the build-up to London, so knew what to expect i.e. mud, sweat and possibly a few tears. It lived up to my expectations and then some.

How to describe it? An awful lot of mud, which makes moving forward a challenge in itself, some horrendous hills, including one at mile six which necessitates using all four limbs to pull yourself up. Throw in the odd gale and a fall on one of the downhill sections, and you have to question my sanity when I could have stayed in bed with The Sunday Times. By the time I got to any flat bits, I was so exhausted, the best I could manage was a jog.

I was disappointed not to beat my time from last year, but to be fair I think conditions were tougher. There certainly seemed to be more mud, but I seemed to cope with it better. I was wearing proper off-road shoes, the downside being I hadn't worn them before the race. A massive risk I know, but it seemed to pay off. Also, my posture seemed better i.e. I wasn't flailing around as much as I was last year. So maybe the core work is paying off.

Stopped off at the old gym for a shower then headed home and cracked open a beer. Some of my habits will change in time. Hopefully post-race beers won't be one of them.

Tonight (Monday) I was suffering, especially in the lower legs, so just a few gentle miles on the treadmill to loosen them up. Hopefully I'll be up to a speed session tomorrow, either on my own or at the track:

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