Saturday 5 January 2008


Oh dear. Not a good start to the year - I have gone down with the dreaded lurgy..

Not such a loss yesterday (Friday 4th Jan) but disappointing today as I couldn't go to body pump. I didn't sleep well and despite dosing myself with whiskey toddies last night (don't laugh - they work) am still not feeling too bright today. Weak, more than anything - hence a weights session would be pointless. I hate missing pump on a Saturday morning, not just because its a great class and strengthens and tones everything, but also because of the social aspect - I've got some good friends there.

Sigh. Oh well hopefully I'll be better tomorrow and can go out for a long run. Nothing hardcore, just a long, steady plod - 90-120 minutes on my feet perhaps. Last time I had a cold it cleared me out, so I'm hoping to give it a go.

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