Tuesday 22 January 2008

First track session of 2008

Tuesday is the day I go to the track. Or at least it should be. Until today I hadn't been, due to being ill after Christmas and too sore after the rough n' tumble.

I was still sore today, but not overly so. The main problem was a mental one, i.e. I had to psyche myself up to go. The track session is usually the shortest session of the week, but always the hardest.

Tonight I was stepping into the unknown as the session was 30 x 200m (2 sets of 15 x 200m with 3 minutes' rest in between) - not something I had ever done before. So it was a bit daunting, but I told myself the Bourton 10k is not far off (24th Feb to be exact) and if I want a hat trick of PBs at that event I need to do some hard training in the next few weeks.

As it turned out, I did fine. In fact, I managed all the reps. Granted, I was in group 3 (the coach splits us into 3 groups at this time of year, group 1 being the strongest). Also, it transpired that we had longer recoveries than we should have had. It was meant to be an effort every 1 minute 35 seconds, but the coach made a mistake and we did a rep every 1m 45.

That notwithstanding, I actually managed to get stronger towards the end (I have no idea how that works) and was leading the group in some of the later reps. All in all an excellent session and I've gained confidence from it. My training for the year finally seems to be on track (no pun intended).

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