Thursday, 28 February 2008

Another Easy Week

Monday 25th February
Feeling sore today, so a nice easy run on the treadmill. Managed 10k in total. Did some abs as well, as the gym was quiet for a monday.

Tuesday 26th February
Track session tonight, 30*200m (20*200m starting an effort every 1 minute 35 seconds, 2 minutes rest, then 10*200m, same recovery). Did 4 laps to warm up and try to get myself loose as I was still feeling sore from Sunday. Did all the reps, took the first 20 quite steady, then tried to accelerate on the last 10. The weight loss is definitely making a difference because these sessions are starting to feel a lot easier. 2 laps to cool down then home.

Wednesday 27th February
Body pump and spinning tonight. Rachel took body pump as Ali is on holiday. She did a lot of older tracks which meant I had to go steady on the weight as I didn't know what was coming - which was fine by me. Spinning was good, for once I got a decent bike so I could tweak the resistance to make it hard enough to make me sweat without making the legs any more sore.

No more training this week, except maybe 3 miles very easy tomorrow or Saturday if I feel the need to get out. Need fresh legs for the Reading half marathon on Sunday.

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Bourton 10k 2008

On Sunday 24th February I competed in the Bourton-on-the-Water 10k. This was the third time in as many years that I had competed in this very popular event which boasts a flat and fast course. Since I completed it in 49 minutes 30 seconds in 2007, I hadn't managed to beat that time at 10k, in fact I hadn't managed to get under 50 minutes since then. So if I wanted a hat-trick of PBs at the event, I had to do something special.

I had a nice couple of days rest after Wednesday and even my massage with Ali wasn't as painful as usual. I did a very light body pump on Saturday just to loosen the muscles up and then took it easy, going to see Rambo at the cinema and having a very high-carb evening meal.

I had a good night's sleep and set off a little later than planned, but it didn't matter, I still arrived with plenty of time to spare. Managed a light warm-up as well. No chance of a last minute stretch at the start as it was chock-a-block.

Started the race strongly and got to the 2km marker in 9 minutes. Knew then I had set off a litttle fast, but if I could maintain 8 minute miling for the rest of the race I could get under 50 minutes. Before I knew it I was at the half-way point in about 23 minutes and still going strong. How much longer could I keep this up I wondered? But keep it up I did and kept pushing myself all the way back to maintain that pace. I only really started to tire at the 9km marker and nearly got in the wrong lane (you do two laps of the village at the start and at the end) near the finish. Managed a final spurt towards the finish line and by my watch finished in 46 minutes 36 seconds.

The official results haven't been posted and I will probably be a few seconds out, but even so this was a very good time for me and far, far better than I expected to achieve. The training and the weight loss is really paying dividends and I now believe that if I can lose the rest of the weight and with another year or two's track sessions under my belt, a 40-minute 10k is a distinct possibility.

Suffice it to say lent came to an abrupt halt later in the afternoon; as I was passing the alcohol section in Sainsburys I decided it would be completely anal not to celebrate knocking 3 minutes off my PB and treated myself to a few beers. And if I do well at Reading next weekend, I dare say I'll be doing the same thing then.

Thursday, 21 February 2008


Monday 18th February
Just an hour's run on the treadmill tonight, nice and steady, loosened the legs up and had a good stretch afterwards.

Tuesday 19th February
Track session tonight, 15 x 400m, starting an effort every 2 mins 30 secs. Did 5 laps to warm up as it was freezing! When the session started, the track was very icy and slippy, so I took all the reps very steady (I had to as I could feel my feet slipping whenever I tried to accelerate). As a result the session didn't hurt as much as usual and I managed to do all 15 reps (although I'm not convinced our group did all 15 - but Sharla assured me we did?). Jogged 2 laps with Clare to warm down then headed home. I know I should have stretched but it was cold and I wanted to get off.

Wednesday 20th February
Body pump and spinning tonight. Used some good heavy weights in pump but felt a bit tired, still struggled on the chest track. Spinning with James was good as always, and as always I got a crappy bike with too much resistance. Was careful not to overdo it as my legs were tired as it was.

Taper down for Bourton 10k on Sunday now, so complete rest Thursday, full body massage with Ali friday and then maybe a light body pump Saturday. As I write it turns out I may have a race no for the Bath half on 16th March after all, which I'm pleased about. Now I can maybe use Reading half more as a warm-up and hope to get a new PB at Bath instead.

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Easy Runner Tough Ten Challenge 2008

This morning (Sunday 17th February) I competed in the Easy Runner Tough Ten challenge at Weston-Super-Mare. This is a 10 mile race, which starts and finishes on the beach, and the rest is split between running on the road and through the woods. Whilst not as suicidally hard as the rough 'n' tumble, it certainly isn't a PB course either, as there is a killer hill at the entrance to the woods which you have to negotiate twice.

I had used the race as a training run for the London Marathon in 2007. Because of this, I think I was slightly apprehensive going into the race, as it felt like a no-win scenario. If I didn't beat last year's time, it would confirm that I am not as fit, and not training as hard as I was then. If I did, it would probably only be by a couple of minutes, and would mean I haven't kicked on from then as I should have done.

Anyway, what happened in the end was this: I drove down with Terry from the running club, which was nice as we had a good chat, on the way down and on the way back. It's always so much nicer to travel to races with a mate, it can be awfully lonely going on my own and there is no one to celebrate with if you do well.

We had an imposed warm-up before the race; being late we had to jog to the start line to avoid missing the race! When we did start I took it nice and steady, knowing what was to come and getting the breathing going. The hill at 4 miles took its toll, but I still managed to run most of the way up. The section through the woods was easier than I remember it being last year, probably because there hasn't been so much rain in the last week. I took it very steady on some of the tricky downhill sections, taking no risks at all.

The hill was a lot tougher second time round, pride forced me to run up it even though I was going at a snail's pace most of the way. Before I knew it I was out of the woods the second time and on the final stretch home.

As I approached the start line I couldn't believe it when the clock only said 1 hour 24 minutes and with a final push I managed to sneak in just under 1hr 25! Even though the conditions were easier than last year, this was much better than I expected on that course. It just goes to prove that very often if you relax and enjoy a race you do better than you would if you put too much pressure on yourself and keep checking the time.

After the race I hung around for a short while with Terry, Kev and Gerry - they had all improved on their times from last year so everyone was happy. As we stood on the beach in the sunshine it made me remember why I do these races - the cameraderie and the feel-good factor you get when you complete a tough, long distance race. I'm glad I bought the long sleeved t-shirt with the names of the runners on the back to remind myself of a great day out.

No alcohol to celebrate today's result, I didn't want to undo the good work of the last few weeks. I need to persevere with the weight loss and reckon if I can lose a stone I'll be doing that race in under 1:20 quite comfortably next year. Instead I treated myself to a chicken madras and relaxed in front of the TV, watching The Pursuit of Happiness.

Roll on the Tough Ten 2009.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Body pump and weigh in

Saturday 16th February

On Thursday I checked my training log and realised I had only had one day of complete rest in the last twenty days so I decided to give myself two days off to let my legs recover. It also freed up some time for me to finish the latest assignment for my writing course. I was itching to go to body pump this morning. Took it easy, going a bit lighter on the squats and lunges tracks. Enjoyed the class.

Weigh in
Body weight: 15st 13lb
Body fat percentage: 18.5% (athletic body type)

Good news this; in two weeks I have lost just over 5 pounds. That's good going. Ali was impressed, and asked me what I had been doing different. Obviously I've been doing the long runs, but training has never been an issue for me. My eating has been very controlled, and I have been alcohol-free for the last 8 days. It isn't just the calories in the booze - when I drink I tend to snack as well. Just shows what a simple change can do.

Interestingly, when I asked Ali if he had time to weigh me he said no and told me to do it myself. He did have time, because his next session wasn't for half an hour. He just wanted me to do it for myself, which I did. He showed me two weeks ago he meant business; I like to think I showed him today I mean business as well.

Incidentally, no idea why the machine thinks my body fat percentage has jumped up half a per cent. I'm sure I haven't lost 5 pounds of muscle; long runs, track sessions and body pump combined with healthy eating and protein supplements don't do that!

Wednesday, 13 February 2008


Wednesday 13th February
Body pump and spinning tonight as usual on a Wednesday. Struggled a bit in pump, so much so Ali noticed. Think my body is just crying out for a rest after the long run and track session in the last few days. No real problems in spinning, took it easy, for once I got a bike with a good range of resistance. James mixed up the tracks a bit and I'm sure we got an extra one which was fine by me.

Not sure whether to do any more training this week, will definitely want to do pump on Saturday morning (going light on squats and lunges of course). I think my body is telling me to take it easy now and be fresh on Sunday. As is common sense.

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Track session

Tuesday 12th February
Track session tonight, 11 x 500m. In my group this was starting an effort every 3mins 10 seconds. 4 laps and a stretch to warm up, then the session. Amazed myself by managing to do all the reps, thought I would miss at least one. All nice and consistent, did not time myself but was getting pretty much the same recovery each time and keeping my position in the group on every rep. Just a shame my breathing was so laboured - hope this gets better in time. I knew I had worked hard because my shirt was soaked in sweat at the end. Could have something to do with the milder temperature though. 2 laps to cool down then my usual shop in Tescos before heading home. Quality session.

Monday, 11 February 2008

Running Club

Monday 11th February
Went out with the running club tonight. We only did about 5 miles (Blagrove route) but I struggled to be honest, even though the pace wasn't that great - just under 9 minute miling most of the way, working up to 8 mins 20 in the second half of the run. Really struggled to breathe at times; as this is slower than my usual half marathon pace I can only assume my body was working overtime to get oxygen to my tired muscles. Should probably have run on the treadmill instead. Anyway, did some abs work when I got back to the gym as I haven't done any core work for a week.

Track session tomorrow (if my body will take it), pump and spinning Wednesday. May well take it easy for the rest of the week as it will give my body a chance to recover in time for the Tough Ten on Sunday, plus I can submit my coursework if I pull my finger out.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Fri 8th - Sun 10th February

Friday 8th February
Just 10k on the treadmill tonight, nice and steady. Think this was quite an achievement, bearing in mind how much alcohol I had consumed the previous day in London.

Saturday 9th February
Body pump in the morning as usual. Rachel was covering for Ali today and as she was mixing the tracks up a bit I erred on the side of caution and went a bit lighter on most of the tracks. Decided to go for a run outside afterwards. Should probably have rested my legs for my long run tomorrow but as the sun was out it seemed a shame not to. Did the Lethbridge route, nice and steady but picking up the pace at times. It was just so nice to be out in just a t-shirt instead of 2 layers, and being able to don sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes instead of gloves to keep my hands warm.

Sunday 10th February
Long run today, set out not really knowing where I was going to go. Ended up being out on my feet for 3hrs 9 mins. Did a combination of the cheney manor route (about 6-7 miles) plus the Elcombe route but coming back via Marlborough road and the town centre (another 12 miles roughly). Definitely felt very tired after 2 3/4 hous on my feet, but it occured to me that with the run yesterday, I had run the best part of a marathon over the weekend.

It was more important to get in distance today than anything else, I have contrived to book 3 races in 3 weeks and so won't do another really long run for at least 4 weeks. The races are as follows:

Next Sunday: The Tough Ten (which I will use just as a training run, and then taper down for:
Sun 24th Feb: Bourton 10k. The flattest 10k I've done, would be nice to get a hat-trick of PBs at this event.
Sun 2nd March: Reading Half Marathon. Would love to get a PB but realistically I've a much better chance at the White Horse Half Marathon in April. I'll be doing my best though!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Wednesday 6th February

Body pump followed by spinning tonight. Enjoyed both classes. My legs definitely seem to be getting even stronger, which augurs well for the races I have planned for this year.

Complete rest tomorrow, as I am in London for the day, seeing a play called "Dealer's Choice" in the afternoon and "Grease" with the sports and social club in the evening. I intend to enjoy the day as much as possible as lent starts (for me) the next day. The six weeks that follow will be tough, but should be very interesting.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Track session

Tuesday 5th February
Track session tonight, as per Neil England's schedule. 17 x 300m, and in my group starting an effort every 1 minute 45 seconds.

Did 4 laps to warm up as usual, followed by a stretch. Found the reps very, very tough - tried to pace them so that I could do all or at least most of them, which meant I wasn't collapsing at the end of each one but had a very short recovery. Managed 16 in total, missing the 9th rep to make a "pit stop" and give myself a breather. It seemed to work as I did nice, consistent efforts after that. So in total 4.8k, or 3 miles, of speedwork. Jogged 3 laps with my friend Claire to cool down. Not a bad session, must keep these up to improve in races.

Monday, 4 February 2008

First Long Run of 2008

Sunday 3rd February
Had made up my mind, before yesterday's rollicking believe it or not, that I would attempt my first proper long run of the year. When I say proper, I mean marathon training distance as opposed to half marathon. I tried to prepare for it as I would a race, ie pasta and an early night the evening before, and changed the music on my MP3 to make it more interesting.

In the end I was out on my feet for 3 hours and 20 minutes and surprised myself. I just took it nice and steady, had a few walk breaks where I needed them, and took along an energy gel and a bottle of powerade. The route was starting from the gym, up the old railway path, through old town, down on to Marlborough road, where I basically ran the half marathon route, heading back via the town centre, past the oasis and back to the gym.

It was cold and windy, but I stood up to it well. My legs felt surprisingly fresh considering the weight I had been using in pump yesterday. I only really started to tire after 2hrs 45 mins, and from then it was a mental battle rather than a physical one. I dug deep and kept going, all the way back to the gym.

Felt very tired but exhilarated afterwards - it felt so good to finally notch up a really long run distance after my injury problems, and I didn't suffer anywhere near as much as I thought I would.

As a result, I have decided to enter the Blackpool marathon at the end of April, as long as my friend Sharla (a girl I go to the track with) is still up for car sharing. Knowing her she'll already have entered, so I don't foresee a problem with that.

Monday 4th February
PT session with Ali today. As this is just core work I assumed my legs would be glad of a rest, but as it turned out I wasn't as sore as I thought I would be and manged 4km on the treadmill to warm up before Ali arrived.

The session itself went well, Ali was very happy with my technique on pretty much all my exercises (I'll elaborate on the schedule at a later date) and gave me a few variations to work on. Even on the exercises I was unsure of it turned out my technique was pretty much spot on. It was hard work mind you, and I'm sure I'll feel the effects tomorrow.

Needless to say we had a few words about my diet afterwards and how I need to improve it. I've decided that I need to do something fairly radical, and have entered into a pact with my mate Andy to give up alcohol for lent, starting Friday (I'm going to the theatre Thursday, so will want to have a glass or two of wine). I'm quite excited about this; it was when I gave up drinking for lent a few years ago that I got into running, so hopefully this will be what I need to shed that stone and give my running a kick-start ahead of the Berlin marathon in September.

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Friday 1st / Saturday 2nd February

Friday 1st Feb
11.2km (7 miles) on the treadmill, nice and steady to start, increasing the pace towards the end. Enjoyed this session, but wish I could run continuously instead of being plagued by "runners trots" after about 4km. Did some abs work before heading home. Good session, especially considering how tired I was feeling after a hard week.

Saturday 2nd Feb
Just body pump today, intentionally left my running shoes at home as I want to give my legs a rest so I can do a long run tomorrow (hopefully about 2.5 - 3 hours on my feet). Decided to go a bit heavier on most of the tracks, and did on squats, chest track, lunges and shoulders. Felt good after the session, but had my mood spoiled when Ali stopped me leaving and said "Jon, you're coming with me." It could only mean one thing..

Weigh-in 2nd Feb 2008
Body weight: 16st 4.2lb
Body fat percentage - standard body type: 27.1%
Body fat percentage - athletic body type: 18%

Basically my weight has not changed since I last weighed myself in december. This is simply not
good enough and quite rightly Ali had a few words to say to me. Quite simply, my training is spot on, my mileage is good (but will get better as I increase my long runs, starting tomorrow) but I am putting too many calories in my body and this needs to change, and fast. More nights on the wagon are called for, and I need to reduce my food intake. It isn't all bad news though: Ali thinks my target weight should be just under 15 stone, which should be achievable now I start marathon training.