Tuesday 26 February 2008

Bourton 10k 2008

On Sunday 24th February I competed in the Bourton-on-the-Water 10k. This was the third time in as many years that I had competed in this very popular event which boasts a flat and fast course. Since I completed it in 49 minutes 30 seconds in 2007, I hadn't managed to beat that time at 10k, in fact I hadn't managed to get under 50 minutes since then. So if I wanted a hat-trick of PBs at the event, I had to do something special.

I had a nice couple of days rest after Wednesday and even my massage with Ali wasn't as painful as usual. I did a very light body pump on Saturday just to loosen the muscles up and then took it easy, going to see Rambo at the cinema and having a very high-carb evening meal.

I had a good night's sleep and set off a little later than planned, but it didn't matter, I still arrived with plenty of time to spare. Managed a light warm-up as well. No chance of a last minute stretch at the start as it was chock-a-block.

Started the race strongly and got to the 2km marker in 9 minutes. Knew then I had set off a litttle fast, but if I could maintain 8 minute miling for the rest of the race I could get under 50 minutes. Before I knew it I was at the half-way point in about 23 minutes and still going strong. How much longer could I keep this up I wondered? But keep it up I did and kept pushing myself all the way back to maintain that pace. I only really started to tire at the 9km marker and nearly got in the wrong lane (you do two laps of the village at the start and at the end) near the finish. Managed a final spurt towards the finish line and by my watch finished in 46 minutes 36 seconds.

The official results haven't been posted and I will probably be a few seconds out, but even so this was a very good time for me and far, far better than I expected to achieve. The training and the weight loss is really paying dividends and I now believe that if I can lose the rest of the weight and with another year or two's track sessions under my belt, a 40-minute 10k is a distinct possibility.

Suffice it to say lent came to an abrupt halt later in the afternoon; as I was passing the alcohol section in Sainsburys I decided it would be completely anal not to celebrate knocking 3 minutes off my PB and treated myself to a few beers. And if I do well at Reading next weekend, I dare say I'll be doing the same thing then.

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