Thursday 28 February 2008

Another Easy Week

Monday 25th February
Feeling sore today, so a nice easy run on the treadmill. Managed 10k in total. Did some abs as well, as the gym was quiet for a monday.

Tuesday 26th February
Track session tonight, 30*200m (20*200m starting an effort every 1 minute 35 seconds, 2 minutes rest, then 10*200m, same recovery). Did 4 laps to warm up and try to get myself loose as I was still feeling sore from Sunday. Did all the reps, took the first 20 quite steady, then tried to accelerate on the last 10. The weight loss is definitely making a difference because these sessions are starting to feel a lot easier. 2 laps to cool down then home.

Wednesday 27th February
Body pump and spinning tonight. Rachel took body pump as Ali is on holiday. She did a lot of older tracks which meant I had to go steady on the weight as I didn't know what was coming - which was fine by me. Spinning was good, for once I got a decent bike so I could tweak the resistance to make it hard enough to make me sweat without making the legs any more sore.

No more training this week, except maybe 3 miles very easy tomorrow or Saturday if I feel the need to get out. Need fresh legs for the Reading half marathon on Sunday.

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