Sunday 10 February 2008

Fri 8th - Sun 10th February

Friday 8th February
Just 10k on the treadmill tonight, nice and steady. Think this was quite an achievement, bearing in mind how much alcohol I had consumed the previous day in London.

Saturday 9th February
Body pump in the morning as usual. Rachel was covering for Ali today and as she was mixing the tracks up a bit I erred on the side of caution and went a bit lighter on most of the tracks. Decided to go for a run outside afterwards. Should probably have rested my legs for my long run tomorrow but as the sun was out it seemed a shame not to. Did the Lethbridge route, nice and steady but picking up the pace at times. It was just so nice to be out in just a t-shirt instead of 2 layers, and being able to don sunglasses to keep the sun out of my eyes instead of gloves to keep my hands warm.

Sunday 10th February
Long run today, set out not really knowing where I was going to go. Ended up being out on my feet for 3hrs 9 mins. Did a combination of the cheney manor route (about 6-7 miles) plus the Elcombe route but coming back via Marlborough road and the town centre (another 12 miles roughly). Definitely felt very tired after 2 3/4 hous on my feet, but it occured to me that with the run yesterday, I had run the best part of a marathon over the weekend.

It was more important to get in distance today than anything else, I have contrived to book 3 races in 3 weeks and so won't do another really long run for at least 4 weeks. The races are as follows:

Next Sunday: The Tough Ten (which I will use just as a training run, and then taper down for:
Sun 24th Feb: Bourton 10k. The flattest 10k I've done, would be nice to get a hat-trick of PBs at this event.
Sun 2nd March: Reading Half Marathon. Would love to get a PB but realistically I've a much better chance at the White Horse Half Marathon in April. I'll be doing my best though!

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