Saturday 2 February 2008

Friday 1st / Saturday 2nd February

Friday 1st Feb
11.2km (7 miles) on the treadmill, nice and steady to start, increasing the pace towards the end. Enjoyed this session, but wish I could run continuously instead of being plagued by "runners trots" after about 4km. Did some abs work before heading home. Good session, especially considering how tired I was feeling after a hard week.

Saturday 2nd Feb
Just body pump today, intentionally left my running shoes at home as I want to give my legs a rest so I can do a long run tomorrow (hopefully about 2.5 - 3 hours on my feet). Decided to go a bit heavier on most of the tracks, and did on squats, chest track, lunges and shoulders. Felt good after the session, but had my mood spoiled when Ali stopped me leaving and said "Jon, you're coming with me." It could only mean one thing..

Weigh-in 2nd Feb 2008
Body weight: 16st 4.2lb
Body fat percentage - standard body type: 27.1%
Body fat percentage - athletic body type: 18%

Basically my weight has not changed since I last weighed myself in december. This is simply not
good enough and quite rightly Ali had a few words to say to me. Quite simply, my training is spot on, my mileage is good (but will get better as I increase my long runs, starting tomorrow) but I am putting too many calories in my body and this needs to change, and fast. More nights on the wagon are called for, and I need to reduce my food intake. It isn't all bad news though: Ali thinks my target weight should be just under 15 stone, which should be achievable now I start marathon training.

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